Ilac Example Answer Contract Law

ILAC Example Answer: Understanding Contract Law

In contract law, the ILAC (Issue, Law, Analysis, Conclusion) method is a commonly used framework for analyzing and resolving legal disputes related to contracts. This method helps lawyers and law students to approach legal problems in a systematic and comprehensive way.

Here, we will provide an ILAC example answer for a contract law problem:


The issue in this case is whether a legally binding contract has been formed between XYZ Corporation and ABC Corporation for the purchase of a large quantity of raw materials.


For a contract to be legally binding, certain elements must be present, such as:

1. Offer and Acceptance: One party makes an offer, and the other party accepts the offer.

2. Consideration: There must be some form of exchange or benefit provided by both parties.

3. Intention to Create Legal Relations: Both parties must intend to form a legally binding agreement.

4. Capacity to Contract: Both parties must have the legal capacity to enter into and fulfill the contract.


In this case, XYZ Corporation sent a written proposal to ABC Corporation for the purchase of raw materials. The proposal contained the quantity, price, and delivery schedule for the raw materials. ABC Corporation responded to the proposal by stating that they were interested in the offer and would get back to XYZ Corporation soon.

However, ABC Corporation did not provide a formal acceptance of the proposal or any counteroffer. Furthermore, there is no indication that the parties intended to create a binding legal agreement. Therefore, it is unlikely that a legally binding contract was formed.


Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that no legally binding contract was formed between XYZ Corporation and ABC Corporation for the purchase of raw materials. While there was an offer made by XYZ Corporation, there was no formal acceptance or counteroffer from ABC Corporation, and there was no clear indication that both parties intended to create a legally binding agreement.

In conclusion, the ILAC method provides a structured approach to analyzing and resolving legal problems related to contracts. By breaking down the issue into the four components of Issue, Law, Analysis, and Conclusion, lawyers and law students can ensure a comprehensive and effective solution to contract law problems.